EW8 has more than ninety thousand satisfied players across Asia. Our customer service team is highly efficient and super quick at handling technical issues, urgent transaction requests and general inquiries. EW8 customer support is here for you 24/7. Whatever the issue or question you may have, our friendly staff – who speak your language – are always more than happy to help. Join EW8 now to experience unmatched service or read on to learn more about our online touchpoints!
Your satisfaction is our priority, and your feedback is incredibly important to us. If you want to reach out to us, use our site’s live chat box or send us a message on Facebook Messenger and Telegram. Get instant responses to whatever questions you may have and stay in touch!
Visit our website or launch our app and navigate to the live chat icon. Click or tap on it and start chatting with us instantly. You will be asked to choose your preferred language if you are a non-member or a new member.
Talk to us via Telegram. In the contact us menu bar, select ‘Telegram’ and you will be taken to a new window or directly to the app if you already have it downloaded. Private conversations are made simple with Telegram!
Follow our official page and use Messenger to reach out to us. Response time on this channel is estimated to be between 15 and 30 seconds. We promise to get back to you as soon as possible!
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‘EW8 is the best online casino with service that you can really count on. Whatever the time is, you can reach out to them and expect replies within seconds. Forget about chatbots and automated replies on other gaming sites. Join EW8 and you won’t regret it!’
– Our Satisfied Member from Malaysia